Доктор Бартоломе Бельтран берет интервью у испанского хирурга Франсиско Пиньяла в программе La Sexta, “Что со мной не так, доктор?”

20 Февраль, 2019

Qué me pasa Dr_BB_La6_20190219_01

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Beltrán and Piñal address various aspects of upper limb surgery such as wrist fractures, reconstructive microsurgery or Sudeck’s syndrome for around half an hour.

The Spanish surgeon Francisco Piñal was one of the two guests of the 101st edition of La Sexta’s medical program, “What’s wrong Dr?”, led by the medical populariser and General Secretary of the Spanish Medical-Surgical Academy, Dr Bartolomé Beltrán .

For about half an hour, Beltrán and Piñal addressed the main clinical items associated with hand surgery, in addition to the trajectory of Francisco Piñal in charge of the Instituto de Cirugía Plástica y de la Mano Piñal y Asociados, in Santander, and the Unit of Hand and Wrist surgery of Clínica La Luz, Quirón Group, in Madrid.

Thus, during the program aspects such as wrist fractures, the management of fractures of the upper limb by dry arthroscopy, reconstructive microsurgery or the latest advances by Dr Piñal in the resolution of Sudeck syndrome were addressed.

In this line, images of three clinical cases were offered: a couple of surgical procedures in cases of ostetomy by dry arthroscopy in radius fracture and a situation of catastrophic hand, together with  the testimony of a patient with reflex sympathetic dystrophy or Sudeck’s atrophy, recently cured by the Dr. Piñal and his surgical unit.