在他的脚趾手移植500号之际,在Grupo Vocento的报纸上对Piñal博士进行了广泛采访

27 二月, 2019


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The paper media of Grupo Vocento (El Correo, Diario Montañés, Norte de Castilla, Ideal de Granada, La Verdad de Murcia, etc.) devoted an extensive interview to the Spanish surgeon Francisco Piñal last Wednesday. The main reason: his toe to hand transplant number 500, with a success rate of 99%.

20190220_02The interview takes a tour with Dr Piñal on the key points of the microsurgical procedure that require the toe to hand transfer in the reconstruction of mutilated hands and the preservation of functionality in both upper and lower extremities, among other aspects addressed.

Francisco Piñal, considered one of the world’s best upper limb specialists, is the surgeon with the largest number of interventions of this kind on an international scale. To this day, Piñal directs the Insituto de Cirugía Plástica y de la Mano Piñal y Asociados in Santander and the Hand and Wrist Surgery Unit of the Hospital La Luz, in Madrid.

To access the full interview (SP), click on the paper image