皮纳尔博士在手腕上进行手术后,Gaya Bar 赢得以色列柔道冠军

16 七月, 2021

Gaya Bar_01_20210630

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The judoka Gaya Bar won the victory last June in the junior national championship (U-21) of Israel, one year after the intervention of Dr Piñal to treat a perilunate dislocation of her wrist.

La judoca israelí Gaya Bar
Gaya Bar (dcha.) durante la entrega de medallas del campeonato israelí junior de judo celebrado el pasado junio.

The injury suffered by Gaya posed a catastrophic picture for the wrist, since in this type of dislocation practically all the important ligaments of the joint break.

The wrist of patients with a perilunate dislocation loses stability. This leads to problems moving the joint and exerting force, in addition to the appearance of severe pain and early osteoarthritis. We are, therefore, facing a very limiting injury for any patient profile, but even more so in the case of athletes. wrist injury

From finger injuries (thumb base fractures, interphalangeal fractures, etc.) to ligament damage, like this case, or the different forms of wrist fracture (dislocation, radius or Colles, etc.), the spectrum of traumas and pathologies in the upper limb associated with sports is very broad. However, they have one thing in common: the need for optimal results in any surgical approach to ensure an adequate comeback to the sports practice. wrist injury.

Dr Piñal has extensive experience in treating the injuries of elite athletes, such as the also Israeli Or Sasson, Olympic judo medalist in Rio 2016, or the Spanish sailing world champion Tara Pacheco, among many others.

Born in Santander, northern Spain, in 1960, Dr Francisco del Piñal is considered one of the world’s best hand surgeons. His contributions in fields like  microsurgical toe to hand transfer or arthroscopic surgery techniques on wrist fractures are endorsed and used internationally.

Arthroscopic approach to the perilunate dislocation of the wrist by Dr Piñal.
Radiografía preoperatoria
Preoperative X-ray of the Israeli judoka.
