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The Spanish surgeon took part in the symposia dedicated to bone reconstruction and toe to hand transplantation
Dr. del Pinal was part of the international group of speakers of the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery 12th Congress (EFSM), held in Barcelona from 3 to 5 April.
The Spanish surgeon contributed with individual presentations at the symposia dedicated to bone reconstruction and toe to hand transfer, and also being involved in the subsequent technical discussions.
Specifically, Del Piñal addressed the use of vascularized bone grafts for correction of bone problems, along with the rebuilding of onycho-osteocutaneous defects of the thumb by partial hallux (big toe) transplantation.
The EFSM, founded in 1990, brings together the microsurgery societies of eleven European countries, with the goal of promoting “a high quality degree of education for their members, by permanently increasing their level of knowledge and their commitment to caring and helping the patients”.