Media, A3 TV: le docteur Piñal transplante deux orteils dans la main d’un garçon victime de l’explosion d’une fusée de feu d’artifice

15 octobre, 2018

Pieza caso Borja_A3_20181015_01

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El Dr. Piñal en compañía de su paciente y el equipo de A3 TV

Borja, a 13-year-old from Cantabria, lost three fingers of his right hand due to the explosion of a fireworks rocket. Dr Piñal and his team have managed to restore its functionality by transferring two toes of the patient’s feetto

Thanks to the combination of various microsurgical techniques in an intervention of about eight hours, in which Dr. Piñal led a team of six people, Borja has begun the process of recovery of sensitivity and movement..

As Soledad Arroyo reports for Antena 3 TV newscast, a rocket that he thought it was empty  exploded in the patient’s right hand, during celebrations in his village This left him with the loss of three fingers and injuries in a fourth. toe transplant

The Spanish surgeon faced this situation with the transplant of two toes of the patient’s feet to the damaged hand, acting on the bone and tendon structure in the first place. Later, Piñal performed the vascular and nerve reconnection in the affected area through reconstructive microsurgery, which in a case of these characteristics returns the blood supply and facilitates the abovementioned recovery process.

This all, with a minimum impact on the donor area that, after the corresponding rehabilitation period, will allow Borja to walk normally despite the toe to hand transference.

Francisco del Piñal is considered one of the world’s best upper limb surgeons, thanks to his design and execution of new techniques and innovative clinical approaches, renowned an applied worldwide.

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