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‘Atlas of of distal radius fractures’ has a practical approach, based on case studies of very diverse clinical contexts. Published worldwide by the prestigious German specialized publisher, Thieme, it defines, from the detailed analysis of specific cases, a comprehensive guide for the diagnosis, treatment and surgery of this profile of fractures.
Booktrailer launched by Piñal y Asociados on the occasion of the presentation of Dr Piñal’s new book, ‘Atlas of distal radius fractures’ (© 2018 Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.).
The Spanish surgeon, along almost 400 pages including 700 illustrations, intraoperative photographs and surgical videos commented by the author, also presents the possible complications to be faced by hand and wrist surgeons in the operating room. Thus, Francisco del Piñal places special emphasis on avoiding the most common pitfalls and using precise techniques to optimize the result in each patient.
As book’s key highlights:

- Nearly 700 illustrations and intraoperative photographs guide the reader through procedures.
- Operative video for all chapters, narrated by the author, including detailed explanations and rationale for each maneuver.
- A focus on the “how” of surgical technique (rather than the “why”) keeps attention on the necessary steps, tools, and procedures to address a specific type of fracture.
- Real cases, presented from beginning to end, cover all of the difficult aspects.
Example of one of the surgery video case study included in each chapter of Dr Piñal’s new book, in this instance dedicated to rim fractures (chapter 9).
Francisco del Piñal is considered to be among the world’s best hand surgeons. His contributions in arthroscopic surgery techniques for wrist fractures are endorsed and used internationally. This last book – his third after ‘Arthroscopic Management of Distal Radius Fractures’ and ‘Arthroscopic Management of Ulnar Pain’– written for hand surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, and plastic surgeons, specialists and subspecialists alike.