
9 四月, 2019


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The Spanish surgeon took take part in the sessions devoted to reflex sympathetic dystrophy and toe to hand transplantation

Dr. Piñal was part of the list of foreign speakers of the Big Hand Event 2019 (BHE 2019), an annual meeting that addresses hand pathologies in a multidisciplinary way and which was hosted at the Jaarbeurs Convention Center, in the Dutch city of Utrecht.

Dr. Piñal addresses the attendees of the Big Hand Event 2019
Dr. Piñal addresses the attendees during one of his interventions.

Piñal partook in the session dedicated to complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) -also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy or Sudeck’s atrophy– with the paper ‘Does CRPS exist? ?’.

In turn, Dr. Piñal took the floor in the segment centered on the proximal interphalangeal joint and toe to hand transfer, an operation in which he has recently reached his procedure number 500.

In addition to the Spanish surgeon, the program of the BHE 2019 had Drs Joseph Días (United Kingdom), Jan-Ragnar Haugsvedt (Norway) and Elisabet Hagert (Sweden), together with Dr. Rohit Arora, Department of Trauma Surgery and Sports Medicine of the Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria), Gray Giddins, upper limb surgeon at the Royal United Hospital (United Kingdom) and the Dutch hand therapist Gwen Van Strien.

International panel of speakers
International panel of speakers at the meeting in Utrecht.

Francisco Piñal is considered one of the world’s best upper limb surgeons, thanks to the design and execution of new techniques and innovative clinical approachs currently implemented on an international scale.