الدكتور ديل Piñal يتدخل على Manzanares من رباط مكسورة في حقه في الإبهام

11 يوليو, 2012


دناه يمكنك قراءه ترجمه المترجم البشري باللغة الانجليزيه. لديك أيضا الوصول إلى الاسبانيه الاصليه عن طريق النقر علي العلم في الزاوية اليمني العليا. هذا الرابط يتيح لك الوصول إلى نسخه الترجمة اليه من جوجل في العربية

The Spanish surgeon already operated on the bullfighter of an injury in his left hand, last November

The Spanish surgeon Francisco del Piñal operated yesterday on the bullfighter José María Manzanares of a breaking of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb of his right hand. The operation, which took place at the Mompía clinic, consisted of a reconstruction using ligamentous plasty.

It is not the first time that the matador José María Manzanares puts himself in the hands of Dr. Piñal. Last November, the Spanish surgeon intervened he bullfighter for an injury to his left hand.

Francisco del Piñal is considered one of the best hand, wrist and microsurgery surgeons in the world. In addition to hold the General Secretariat of the European Wrist Arthroscopy Society (EWAS –, the Spanish is the first non-British surgeon elected as editor of the European Journal of Hand Surgery

His medical career is marked with more than 500 publications and communications to congresses, among which the book ‘Arthroscopic management of distal radius fractures’ stands out. Only in the last three years, he has been guest of honor in the congresses of the Dutch, Italian, Finnish, Hong Kong, Japanese, Argentine and South African societies, among others.

Del Piñal heads the team of professionals that make up the Instituto de Cirugía Plástica y de la Mano, a center based in Santander, which attends approximately 2,000 patients annually and where an average of 1,500 surgical procedures are performed, with a percentage of 95% success (close to 99% in microsurgery). Among the treatments that are carried out most in this Institute, stand out the wrist arthroscopies (around 250 per year), the reimplant microsurgeries and finger transplants (150 per year) and the interventions in wrist fractures (more than 150 per year).