د. ديل بينال ، المتحدث الرئيسي في الاجتماع العلمي الربيعي للجمعية البريطانية لجراحة اليد

11 مايو, 2014


أدناه يمكنك قراءه ترجمه المترجم البشري باللغة الانجليزيه. لديك أيضا الوصول إلى الاسبانيه الاصليه عن طريق النقر علي العلم في الزاوية اليمني العليا. هذا الرابط يتيح لك الوصول إلى نسخه الترجمة اليه من جوجل في العربية

The Spanish surgeon presented the latest surgical advances in thumb reconstruction

The Spanish surgeon Francisco del Piñal has been one of the keynote speakers at the Spring Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, one of the most prestigious in the world. During the meeting, held in Newcastle last 1st and 2nd May, it was addressed the state of the art in several pathologies and treatments, such as instability in the wrist, sarcoma intervention or the obstetric surgery for the brachial plexus.

In his keynote speech, Del Piñal presented the latest advances and surgical techniques for the reconstruction of the thumb. Besides, he also spoke about the management of pain in the wrist ulnar segment, as part of the round table ‘The Treatment of the Delayed Wrist Injury’, chaired by Dr. C A Pailthorpe.


The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) had its genesis in the period after World War II, when several young surgeons perceived the possibilities for hand surgery of combining the old orthopedics with the new plastic surgery. A joint approach which arose from the needs of pilots and air crews wounded in action during the war.