Dr Piñal, conférencier international principal au congrès de la Société Australienne de Chirurgie de la Main

8 mars, 2021

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The Spanish surgeon will address the latest advances in arthroscopic surgery, treatment of nerve injuries or reconstructive microsurgery among other issues.

Virtual 2021 Australian Hand Surgery Society ASM

Dr Francisco del Piñal will participate as international guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Australian Hand Surgery Society, from March 18 to 20. The participation of the Spanish surgeon will cover a wide thematic range, in which it is worth highlighting the latest advances in arthroscopic surgery or reconstructive microsurgery, in addition to his work on complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or Sudeck’s atrophy.

Dr Piñal, Melbourne, March 2020
Dr Piñal during his keynote conference at the 12th triennial congress of the Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (March 2020).

On the first day of the congress, Piñal will address advanced arthroscopy techniques, such as bone grafting and fixation – in contrast to the open surgical modality – besides giving the presentation ‘CRPS does not exist’, based on his research on complex regional pain, also called reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

During the second session of the meeting, the Spanish surgeon will participate in the analysis panels on approaches to wrist fusion, with items such as arthroscopic partial fusion or its open execution. In turn, he will treat arthroscopic distal radius intra-articular osteotomy.

Finally, in the closing day Piñal will delve into reconstructive microsurgery of the traumatic hand, both acute and delayed, with special emphasis on the free muscle transfer and vascularised bone transfer. His participation will conclude with the presentation “Intramedullary screws in hand fractures”.

The international panel of the congress will be completed by German doctors Max Haerle and Eva-Maria Baur, along with Hongkongese Dr PC Ho.

The different sessions of the event will be held online due to the restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Australian Hand Surgery Society promotes the pursuit of excellence in hand surgery by, conducting scientific meetings, promoting fellowship, liasing with national and international surgical bodies and undertaking hand surgery teaching.

Born in Santander, northern Spain, in 1960, Dr Francisco del Piñal is considered one of the world’s best hand surgeons. His contributions in the fields of microsurgical toe to hand transfer or arthroscopic surgery techniques on wrist fractures are endorsed and used internationally.
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