Del Piñal prenderà parte al 69 ° incontro annuale della Società Americana per la Chirurgia della Mano

8 agosto, 2014


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The Spanish surgeon will also participate in a session of the International Workshop Wrist Investigation

Dr. Francisco del Piñal has been invited to the 69th annual meeting of the prestigious American Society for Surgery of the Hand (AASH), which celebrates this event in Boston (Massachusetts, USA) during the next 18th,19th and 20th, September.

Del Piñal will speak about the last advances in microsurgery in his field -more specifically in ultramicrosurgery– and, moreover, will address the different clinic approaches and techniques for serious wrist problems rescue.

Besides, during his stay in the United States, Del Piñal will participate in a session of the International Wrist Investigation Workshop, a group comprising about ninety worldwide doctors considered the elite in the field of wrist surgery. At this meeting, Del Piñal will detail his latest advances in arthroscopy for distal radius fractures, together with the method of “dry arthroscopy“, designed and pioneered in his clinic and which allows more complex wrist fixings.

This presentation has been of much interest among participants, since conventional arthroscopy has some limitations covered by the application of this technique developed by Dr. Del Piñal for years.