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The upper limb, especially the hand-wrist conjunction, is prone to injuries linked to sports practice, whether professional or amateur. The reason: its key role in most of the disciplines, either in an ‘executing’ function -as in tennis, basketball or other throwing/hitting sports- or a ‘helper’ one, as it’s the case in soccer and various contact sports in which, besides hand and wrist interactions in the game, they put together the most exposed element in case of fallings.
From finger injuries (thumb base fractures, interphalangeal fractures, etc.) to ligament damage or the different forms of wrist fracture (dislocation, radius or Colles, etc.), the spectrum of traumas and pathologies in the upper limb associated with sports is very broad. However, they have one thing in common: the need for optimal results in any surgical approach to ensure an adequate comeback to the sports practice.
Dr. Piñal is an international reference in surgery on injuries of this nature in hand and wrist. Throughout his career he has operated on hundreds of professional and amateur athletes. Among them, former international handball players Talant Dujshebaev and Mikhail Jakimovich, the Canarian sailor Tara Pacheco, world champion in the 470 class, the former player of Real Madrid, Deportivo La Coruña and Racing de Santander Pedro Munitis, or the Israeli judoka Or Sasson, bronze medal in +100 kg. in the 2016 Rio Olympics, among others.
The Spanish surgeon devotes the last post in his videoblog to this this type of clinical situations, analyzed through various success stories and some of their techniques -such as the insertion of cannulated screws or the dry arthroscopy– which have helped to significantly improve surgical outcomes and to shorten patient’s recovery periods: