Британская ассоциация пластических, реконструктивных и эстетических хирургов (BAPRAS) чествует доктора Piñal за его медицинскую карьеру

10 Декабрь, 2019

Distinción BAPRAS Winter Meeting_01_20191210

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The award acknowledges the contributions made by the Cantabrian surgeon in the fields of hand surgery and microsurgery.

Dr Piñal and Professor Mark Henley
Dr Piñal poses with his award with the president of BAPRAS, Professor Mark Henley

The British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) honored last friday the trajectory of Dr Piñal in the fields of hand surgery and microsurgery, during its Winter Scientific Meeting 2019 in Monaco.

The Spanish surgeon delivered the honorary conference Mercian S&T, addressing the new perspectives for upper limb surgery opened by the latest advances in microsurgery.

BASPRA’s main aims are to raise awareness of the breadth of plastic surgery, to promote innovation in teaching, learning and research and to increase overall understanding of the profesión in Great Britain.

Born in Santander, northern Spain, in 1960, Dr Francisco del Piñal is considered one of the world’s best hand surgeons. His contributions in the fields of microsurgical toe to hand transfer or arthroscopic surgery techniques on wrist fractures are endorsed and used internationally.