Доктор Piñal оперирует футболиста Реала Мадрид и занявшего второе место Олимпийских игр Kosovare Asllani

22 Декабрь, 2020


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The Swedish international footballer suffered from sequels of a previous intervention on her left thumb.

Dr Piñal and Kosovare Asllani
Dr Piñal with Kosovare Asllani at Piñal y Asociados clinic in Madrid.

Dr Piñal, through Real Madrid’s medical services, successfully intervened last Saturday Real Madrid and Swedish national team forward, Kosovare Asllani, at the Vithas La Milagrosa hospital. The Olympic runner-up in Rio 2016 and bronze in the 2019 World Cup in France suffered an injury to her left thumb linked to a previous surgery.

Asllani, who wore the shirts of Paris Saint Germain and Manchester City, among other squads, before joining Real Madrid, has an outstanding international career, with more than 130 caps for the Swedish national team.

As attack reference for Real Madrid Women, she scored the first official goal in the history of the new Real Madrid branch, last October 11 against Valencia

Kosovare Asllani with Real Madrid’s shirt
Real Madrid forward with the club’s official shirt for season 2020/2021 (source:

Born in Santander, northern Spain, in 1960, Dr Francisco del Piñal is considered one of the world’s best hand surgeons. His contributions in the fields of microsurgical toe to hand transfer or arthroscopic surgery techniques on wrist fractures are endorsed and used internationally.

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