يشارك Piñal كمتحدث في اتفاقية السادس من المهنة الطبية ، التي يروج لها المجلس العام الاسبانية للجمعيات الطبية الرسمية

19 نوفمبر, 2018

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أدناه يمكنك قراءه ترجمه المترجم البشري باللغة الانجليزيه. لديك أيضا الوصول إلى الاسبانيه الاصليه عن طريق النقر علي العلم في الزاوية اليمني العليا. هذا الرابط يتيح لك الوصول إلى نسخه الترجمة اليه من جوجل في العربية

IV Convención Médica_CGCOM_20181117_02

The Spanish surgeon was one of the guest speakers this past weekend at the VI Convention of the Medical Profession, a biennial meeting held in Madrid and that on this occasion had as a leitmotiv the analysis of the doctor-patient relationship and different professional aspects of this activity sector.

Under the title ‘Comprometidos con la sociedad y los médicos’ (‘Committed to society and doctors’), this meeting organized by the General Council of Official Medical Associations (known in Spanish as CGCOM) addressed items such as the aforementioned doctor-patient relationship, the Spanish law of euthanasia and assisted suicide or the professional training and its accreditation within the European framework, among others. بونينتي.

Participants in the round table 'Doctors and patients: a relationship of trust': Dr. Antonio Escribano (third from the left) with José María Manzanares and the journalist Teresa Viejo with Dr Piñal on his right
In the image above, several members of the CGCOM Standing Committee flank the participants in the round table ‘Doctors and patients: a relationship of trust’: Dr. Antonio Escribano (third from the left) with José María Manzanares and the journalist Teresa Viejo with Dr Piñal on her right.

The round table ‘Doctors and patients: a relationship of trust’ included the participation, in addition to Dr Piñal, of Dr Antonio Escribano, specialist in endocrinology and sports medicine and the bullfighter José María Manzanares; all under the moderation of the journalist Teresa Viejo, novelist, former director of Interviú magazine and current director and host of programs on TVE (Spanish public broadcaster).

Francisco del Piñal stressed the need to help the patient to understand, in its different aspects, the problem that afflicts him and offer solutions. For his part, Jose Maria Manzanares highlighted the links established with the doctors who have treated him, the relationship of trust and the emotional support. The also director of the Nutrition Unit of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Dr. Antonio Escribano, defended the help to the patient as the defining element of the exercise of medicine itself.

This sixth edition of the Convention of the Medical Profession was held under an Honorary Committee chaired by Their Majesties the King and the Queen of Spain.

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