La traduzione cinese del libro del Dr. Piñal “Atlante delle fratture del radio distale” è una pietra miliare nella letteratura medica di traumatologia spagnola

3 dicembre, 2021

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Qui sotto potete leggere una traduzione in inglese di questo contenuto realizzata da un traduttore umano. Potete anche accedere all’originale spagnolo facendo clic sulla relativa bandiera nell’angolo in alto a destra. Questo link vi consente di accedere ad una versione della traduzione automatica di Google in italiano:

It’s an international benchmark work for the treatment and surgery of radius fractures, originally published by the prestigious German specialized publisher Thieme. ‘Atlante delle fratture del radio distale’

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Cover of the Chinese version of ‘Atlas of distal radius fractures’, launched by the specialized publishing house Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers..

After the international edition of ‘Atlas of distal radius fractures’ carried out by Thieme, in 2018, Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers launched the Chinese version of this work by surgeon Francisco del Piñal, in what represents a milestone in the Spanish medical literature in the field of traumatology.

The book, which since its publication has become a must for the approach to distal radius fractures, has a practical focus, relying on case studies from very diverse clinical contexts. At the same time, it defines, based on the detailed analysis of specific cases, a comprehensive guide for the diagnosis, treatment and surgery of this profile of fractures.

Dr Piñal, along almost 400 pages that include 700 illustrations, intraoperative photographs and surgical videos discussed by the author, also presents the possible complications to be faced by hand and wrist surgeons in the operating room. Thus, the Spanish surgeon and microsurgeon places special emphasis on avoiding the most common pitfalls and using the necessary techniques to optimize the result for each patient.

‘Atlas of distal radius fractures’ is written for hand surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, and plastic surgeons, specialists and subspecialists alike. This is Francisco del Piñal’s third book, preceded by ‘Arthroscopic management of distal radius fractures’ and ‘Arthroscopic management of ulnar pain’, who also published later, in 2019, ‘Distal radius fractures and carpal instabilities’. A series of works to which more than more than 500 papers and publications in national and international congresses can be added.

Born in Santander, northern Spain, in 1960, Dr Francisco del Piñal is considered one of the world’s best hand surgeons. His contributions in fields like microsurgical toe to hand transfer or arthroscopic surgery techniques on wrist fractures are endorsed and used internationally.

Among other milestones in his career, it is worth mentioning the setting of the principles of surgery in the acute catastrophic hand, as well as his leading role in the development of wrist arthroscopy, through procedures such as dry arthroscopy.

Currently, Francisco del Piñal leads Piñal y Asociados clinics in Madrid and Santander and the unit of hand and microsurgery at Hospital La Milagrosa in Madrid.

View of inner pages of the Chinese edition of ‘Atlas of distal radius fractures’.
View of inner pages of the Chinese edition of ‘Atlas of distal radius fractures’.

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