Пересадка пальцев на кисти при случайной ампутации с помощью механической пилы

26 Март, 2019


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The patient, a 42-year-old male, suffers the amputation of three fingers of the left hand at different levels, in an accident with a mechanical saw that severely damages the index and middle fingers and, to a lesser extent, the ring finger. Dr. Piñal addresses the picture described by transplanting the two second toes to the the affected hand, in his intervention of these characteristics number 500. toes to hand transplant

The problem

In clinical pictures derived from accidental amputation with mechanical saws, it’s unusual to cut a single finger from its base, but the index and middle fingers are especially affected, as well as at least part of a third appendix. This not only causes an aesthetic-functional impact by the mutilation itself, but also by the loss of the digital arch, that is, the arch that’s shaped by the sequence of the fingers of the hand with its different positions and lengths.

The goals

In this case, the goals of Dr. Piñal and his surgical unit are to restore both the function and appearance of the damaged hand, through the design of a reconstructive microsurgery intervention.

Image taken after the intervention that allows to observe in detail the result of the microsurgical reconstruction of the limb. The blue line on the photograph shows the recovery of the digital arch, thanks to the toe to hand transplantation.

The plan

Dr. Piñal proceeds to transplant the second toe of each foot to the left hand of the patient. These toes are transferred with their corresponding musculoskeletal, vascular and nerve structure, so that they can be microsurgically reconnected to the salvageable parts of the affected area. Both movement and sensitivity are restored.

The intervention is performed in a way that limits the aesthetic impact on the donor limbs and guarantees correct stability and normal functionality of both feet.

The results

The procedure is carried out successfully from the functional and aesthetic perspective, including the restoration of the digital arch. The two toes used mark the toe to hand transfers number 499 and 500 of those made by the Spanish surgeon.

Dedos de pie a mano 500 (arcada digital)_03v2_201903
The patient poses with Dr. Piñal in one of his recovery visits to the clinic of the Instituto de Cirugía Plástica y de la Mano en Santander.