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The Spanish surgeon addressed various aspects of wrist surgery and the latest developments in thumb reconstruction during the two days of the meeting.
The Egyptian Society for Surgery of the Hand and Microsurgery organized last Wednesday and Thursday the 14th edition of its International Conference, with an extensive program that included the latest scientific-medical news and advances in upper limb surgery. The meeting, which combined online and face-to-face presentations in Cairo, brought together a large panel of Egyptian and foreign speakers, in which Dr Piñal was the only Spanish representative with lectures focused on wrist injuries and the latest advances in reconstructive surgery of the thumb.
Among the issues discussed during the meeting, it is worth mentioning the microsurgical reconstruction of upper limb, the management of flexor tendon injuries, the complex distal radius fractures, wrist arthroscopy or surgery in peripheral nerve injuries, among others.
On the first day of the conference, and within the panel on wrist and carpus, Dr Piñal presented his clinical approach to intraarticular osteotomies in malunited distal radius. During the second, the Spanish surgeon participated in the session on wrist arthroscopy, addressing the role of this surgical technique in the treatment of acute distal radius fractures and in the four-corner fusion procedure. Finally, Piñal closed his participation in the panel on thumb reconstruction, presenting his latest advances in the matter.
The Egyptian Society for Hand Surgery and Microsurgery was established in 2007 and is comprised by about three hundred members, including hand surgeons and therapists.
Born in Santander, northern Spain, in 1960, Dr Francisco del Piñal is considered one of the world’s best hand surgeons. His contributions in the fields of microsurgical toe to hand transfer or arthroscopic surgery techniques on wrist fractures are endorsed and used internationally.
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