Calcaneal osteomyelitis: bone cleaning and vascularized fibular graft

12 febbraio, 2016


In this case of calcaneal osteomyelitis, the patient, male, 48, comes to the clinic of Dr. Del Piñal after being previously operated in six occasions. After suffering a calcaneal fracture in a fall, the affected area developped an infectious process that was going to be addressed with the amputation of the limb, in absence of other way to stop it.

The patient underwent various interventions before going to the clinic of Dr. Del Piñal. The non-resolution of the calcaneal fracture (images) eventually led to the infectious process conducive to an osteomyelitis.

The problem

The persistence of the infection drew a picture of continued pain and restricted mobility, which often ends -as has been pointed out- with the loss of the foot after the the disease becomes chronic.

In this preoperative image: ulceration of the heel area, pus secretion –indicative of the infectious process- and some scars of previous procedures.

The objectives

The goals of the clinical approach of Dr. Del Piñal in this and other similar cases focus on three main results: eliminate the infection, eradicate pain and preserve the function of the concerned area.

The plan

As an initial step, Dr. Del Piñal makes a calcaneal debridement to clean and clear out the affected area, opening a window through the heel.

In the image, the cleaning and emptying of the bone segment affected by the infection is shown.

Antibiotic balls are introduced in the space opened, which remains 72 hours without coverage to facilitate the anti-infectious action.


In a second step the operation area has to be provided with structure and blood supply (vascularization), for which a piece of vascularized fibula is grafted, with an autologous skin coverage and the use of spongy bone material from the patient as a filler.

The picture above allows us to see the detail of the subsequent intervention, through the strokes that mark the skin island that will act as cover (dotted blue oval) or the extraction zone of the fibular graft (rectangle with diagonal lines).
From left to right and top to bottom: spongy bone material, autologous skin coverage and fragment of vascularized fibula.


The outcome

After the intervention of Dr. Del Piñal, the area is free from infection and the patient regains a level of functionality that allows him to return to work.

The combination of images left (vertical) shows the early functional recovery. On the right, the result after 6 months with the patient already back to work.