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The Spanish surgeon gave the keynote speech of the meeting and took part in several technical sessions.

The Padan city of Modena hosted last week the 55th annual meeting of the Italian Society for Surgery of the Hand (SICM). From October 12th to 14th, the main Italian specialists in surgery of the upper limb met at the Forum Guido Monzani under the leitmotiv ‘Look to the past to see the future’; a tribute to the role of the Modenese School in the development of this medical discipline in Italy.
Dr. Piñal was honorary distinguished for his professional career, giving as well the conference ‘A. Bonola’, dedicated to the memory of Augusto Bonola, considered one of the pioneers of modern Italian orthopedics.
In addition to the forementioned conference, under the title ‘What has changed in the last 15 years in Hand Surgery‘, the Spanish surgeon addressed other of his areas of expertise throughout the program. Among them, consolidation defects in traumatic injuries of the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) in the fingers or primary reconstruction of the thumb in cases of mutilated hands.
In turn, Dr. Piñal spoke about the possibilities of arthroscopic treatment in malunions of distal radius.
The former secretary general of the EWAS was the only Spanish physician in the list of foreign speakers, which shared with invited professionals from Austria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, India, Japan, Norway, Switzerland and the United States.