التهاب المفاصل والتهاب المفاصل في اليدين: الفرق والعلاج والجراحة

10 يوليو, 2017

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أدناه يمكنك قراءه ترجمه المترجم البشري باللغة الانجليزيه. لديك أيضا الوصول إلى الاسبانيه الاصليه عن طريق النقر علي العلم في الزاوية اليمني العليا. هذا الرابط يتيح لك الوصول إلى نسخه الترجمة اليه من جوجل في العربية

Pain, deformity and limitations in function are the only common points of arthritis and osteoarthritis in the hands. Two pathologies with completely different clinical origins and approaches that sometimes lead to confusion for the undiagnosed or potential patients when analyzing symptoms, age of occurrence, etc.

In this new entry of his videoblog, Dr. Piñal – considered one of the best hand surgeons in the world – addresses the differences between arthritis,  as an autoimmune pathology, and osteoarthritis, in its two aspects of degenerative process associated with aging or as a result of a traumatic event, also known as posttraumatic osteoarthritis (the result of a poorly resolved fracture, for example). Thus, Del Piñal describes the characteristics of the manifestations of arthritis and osteoarthritis in the hands, as well as the possible treatment and the options that the surgery offers the patient. التهاب المفاصل

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In the composition, on the left, the effect of an osteoarthritis on the proximal middle finger is observed, while the right image shows a close view of the joint impact and the appearance of nodulosis in an advanced stage of arthritis in both hands.

More info (Spanish):

‘Tratamiento y solución quirúrgica a la artrosis en las manos: dolor y artrosis de la base del pulgar o trapecio-metacarpiana’ 
‘Dr. Del Piñal: “En la artrosis de los dedos de las manos debemos huir de ‘tratamientos milagro’ y priorizar la función” 
– ‘Diferencias entre artrosis y artritis: entre el desgaste y la furia de nuestro propio cuerpo’