Artículo Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery_01_201909_ajuste

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery publie les travaux du Dr Piñal sur la chirurgie reconstructive pour les pertes de pouce extrêmes

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Dr. Piñal participe en tant que conférencier au Big Hand Event 2019 à Utrecht

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Entretien approfondi avec le Dr Piñal dans les journaux du Grupo Vocento à l’occasion de son greffe d’orteil sur la main numéro 500

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Alejandro Mayo_medios_01_201711

Médias: Le Dr Piñal reconstruit la main d’un marin marchand à travers une intervention de microchirurgie pionnière en Espagne

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Del Piñal, conférencier au 12e Congrès de la Fédération Européenne des Sociétés de Microchirurgie

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The catastrophic hand (II). The physician perspective: ‘save what can be saved’, calm and collaboration

In ‘The catastrophic hand (I). The patient experience: hopes, plans and microsurgery’, we talk with Dr. Del Piñal on the characteristics and surgical and psychological challenges posed by transforming a catastrophic hand in one acceptable.


The catastrophic hand (I). The patient experience: hopes, plans and microsurgery

Google translation:

The absence of armed conflicts and better labour security conditions have reduced the incidence oftraumatic hand injuries in Western countries.


Del Piñal, international guest speaker at a course on hand, wrist and elbow surgery in Chile

The Spanish surgeon is the only foreign expert invited, along with Dr. Jeffrey Yao, professor at the Stanford University

Dr. Francisco del Piñal starts today his participation in the international postgraduate course ‘Update in surgery of the hand,