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16-year-old girl with intense pain in her right foot. After two previous unsuccessful interventions, she was diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or reflex sympathetic dystrophy. The patient is polymedicated and suffers from severe functional difficulties.
The problem
The patient comes to Dr. Piñal with disabling pain and the associated symptoms of reflex sympathetic dystrophy in the lower limb.
The goals
Dr Piñal performs a diagnostic reevaluation that rules out dystrophy and identifies the origin of pain in the strangulation of the tibial nerve, which provides sensitivity to the sole of the foot, due to scar tissue. This analysis leads to the design of a new microsurgical procedure, the purpose of which is to eliminate pain and restore function of the affected limb.
The plan
The Spanish surgeon proposes the microsurgical release of the tibial nerve trunk. This in turn is wrapped in a vascularized adipofascial flap (that is, fat with artery and veins) taken from the inner thigh. The flap provides irrigation and a new gliding surface for the nerve. The vascular connections made are in a range less than a millimeter in diameter.
Examination of the patient four weeks after the procedure.
Testimony of the patient for Telemadrid news (11/08/20).
The results
The new procedure eliminates pain and allows the patient to regain function in her right lower extremity.
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