Piñal y Asociados offers its patients a service of direct online consultation with Dr Piñal, both by telephone or videoconference.
In this way Dr. Piñal can request the corresponding clinical information and make an initial diagnosis of your case, recommending the next steps in the treatment according to the pathology identified. These sessions will be conducted in Spanish, English or French, depending on the needs of the patient, and have a cost of 400 euros.
The online conference is made through Teams, an app of frequent use and easy to handle. If you do not have the software, you can download it from the following link: https://www.microsoft.com/es-es/microsoft-teams/download-app
Our patient care teams in Madrid and Santander are available to assist you during the process.
If you are interested in maintaining an online consultation with Dr. Piñal, please complete the following form:
Online Consultation Service
We make available to you the e-mail secretaria.serrano@drpinal.com to resolve your possible doubts or need for additional information in this regard.