
The catastrophic hand (II). The physician perspective: ‘save what can be saved’, calm and collaboration

In ‘The catastrophic hand (I). The patient experience: hopes, plans and microsurgery’, we talk with Dr. Del Piñal on the characteristics and surgical and psychological challenges posed by transforming a catastrophic hand in one acceptable.


The Spanish Surgeon Francisco del Piñal invited to Louisville as the Harold E. Kleinert and Joseph E. Kutz Visiting Professor in Hand and Microsurgery 2014

Del Piñal, former fellow of the Christine M. Kleinert Institute Hand Surgery Fellowship, will occupy this Fall the honorific post for outstanding alumni

After proudly accepting the invitation of the Kleinert Kutz Hand Care Center,


The catastrophic hand (I). The patient experience: hopes, plans and microsurgery

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The absence of armed conflicts and better labour security conditions have reduced the incidence oftraumatic hand injuries in Western countries.


Dr. Del Piñal: “In Traumatology, no patient has to give up hope without a second opinion”

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If we were to condense in one sentence the essence of orthopedic pathologies, it may well be something like: “when an inch separates heaven and hell”.


El Dr. Del Piñal ‘crea’ una nueva mano para un paciente amputado hasta la muñeca

El cirujano cántabro ha reconstruido la extremidad empleando una técnica pionera en el mundo, a partir de la transferencia de tres dedos del pie a la mano ‘recreada’

Del Piñal ha realizado una reconstrucción no anatómica con el objetivo de ‘generar’ un mano izquierda funcional donde apenas quedaba un muñón,