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Andrea (Argentina), 38, is diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or Sudeck’s atrophy after a prolonged clinical picture of pain, swelling and loss of mobility in her right hand, which includes an episode of phlebitis. The patient places the origin of the process in an extravasation of the contrast injected for an MRI scan in 2015: “they thought I was crazy, that I was pretending, they did not understand my pain” (the following video testimonial has English subtitles).
During this period, the patient undergoes various procedures in her country aimed at alleviating pain, such as multiple stellate ganglion blocks or a morphine infusion pump.
In turn, in a typical situation in people with this diagnosis, she goes through diverse tests, such as electromyograms, with negative result, and she manifests feeling incomprehension on the part of several of the medical professionals who treat her.
Her functional limitations have prevented Andrea from working (she is a hairdresser) for the past six years. In Dr. Piñal’s first examination, carried out via Skype, she shows minimal mobility of the fingers except for the thumb. Later, she goes to Piñal y Asociados clinic in Madrid.
As next step, Dr Piñal performs a diagnostic reassessment and designs a new surgical procedure to address the identified underlying pathology. The Spanish surgeon does not consider Sudeck’s atrophy a pathology per se, but rather a diagnostic formula that masks an unidentified origin of the patient’s real problems, which appear after an intervention, a fracture or an infectious process, among other precedent pictures.
The new surgery is a success and the results are practically immediate, with an appreciable functional recovery in the intraoperative phase itself and the practical disappearance of pain twenty-four hours after the intervention.
More than a century after its description as “acute inflammatory bone atrophy” by the German surgeon Paul Südeck, Dr Piñal and his surgical unit have already cured dozens of patients with this diagnosis, through an innovative clinical approach that, in expert hands, produces spectacular results.
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