Sudeck’s disease, complex regional pain or reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Everything you should know about this disease.

5 December, 2023

Enfermedad de Sudeck

In this video blog post Dr. Piñal discusses everything you need to know about Sudeck’s disease, complex regional pain or reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

His work and decades of experience in the analysis of cases of this profile lead Dr. Piñal to consider that reflex sympathetic dystrophy does not exist per se, but that it is a category to which the patient is ascribed when the diagnostic capabilities are exceeded.

Thus, from his point of view, most cases of complex regional pain syndrome are due to underlying pathologies of traumatic origin or nerve irritations and lesions.

Dr. Piñal supports his perspective with an exhaustive investigation covering more than 400 cases of patients initially diagnosed with reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

Surprisingly, after careful analysis, he identified other underlying pathologies that had gone unnoticed. These new diagnoses made it possible to address the true causes of chronic hand and wrist pain, thus providing effective solutions.

The highlight of Dr. Piñal’s research was his international paper entitled “Reflections of a busy surgeon: reflex sympathetic dystrophy does not exist”. Presented in Las Vegas during the 74th annual meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, the paper challenges established paradigms and highlights the importance of considering other possibilities in the diagnosis of chronic pain.

Through decades of experience and detailed research, Dr. Piñal offers an innovative perspective on Sudeck’s dystrophy.

His work demystifies reflex sympathetic dystrophy, showing that many misdiagnosed cases may have solutions once the true underlying causes are identified. This challenging approach could change the way we approach and diagnose chronic pain, providing hope for those seeking answers to their ailments.