Piñal 博士的著作《桡骨远端骨折图谱》的中文翻译是西班牙创伤医学文献中的里程碑
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3 十二月, 2021 | Atlas of distal radius fractures, Dr. Piñal, Francisco del Piñal, hand surgery, radius fractures, Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers, Thieme, upper limb surgery, wrist surgery |
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16 七月, 2021 | artrosis precoz, cirugía de muñeca, dolor de muñeca, Dr. Piñal, early osteoarthritis, Francisco del Piñal, Gaya Bar, lesión de muñeca, ligaments rupture, perilunate dislocation, sports injuries, wrist injury, wrist pain, wrist surgery |
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The Australian Hand Surgery Society (AHSS) has appointed Dr Francisco del Piñal as an honorary member.
20 五月, 2021 | arthroscopy, artroscopia seca, catastrophic hand, cirugía de muñeca, Dr. Piñal, dry arthroscopy, fractura de muñeca, Francisco del Piñal, hand surgery, mano catastrófica, microsurgery, Sociedad Australiana de Cirugía de la Mano, wrist fracture, wrist surgery |
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10 五月, 2021 | artroscopia seca, cirugía de la mano, cirugía de muñeca, Dr. Piñal, dry arthroscopy, fóvea, Francisco del Piñal, hand surgery, inestabilidad en la muñeca, pseudoarthrosis of the ulnar styloid, triangular fibrocartilage, triangular fibrocartilage injury, ulnar pain, ulnar styloid, wrist instability, wrist surgery |
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6 四月, 2021 | distal radius fractures, Dr. Piñal, Egyptian Society for Surgery of the Hand and Microsurgery, flexor tendon, Francisco del Piñal, hand surgery, lesiones de muñeca, reconstrucción del pulgar, reconstructive surgery, Sociedad Egipcia de Cirugía de la Mano y Microcirugía, tendón flexor, thumb reconstruction, wrist injuries, wrist surgery |
11 三月, 2021 | complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS, CRPS1, CRPS2, Dr. Piñal, Francisco del Piñal, hand surgery, hands pain, ligamentoplasty, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Sudeck's atrophy, thumb pain, wrist pain, wrist surgery |
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8 三月, 2021 | arthroscopic surgery, Australian Hand Surgery Society, cirugía artroscópica, cirugía de la mano, cirugía de muñeca, complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS, distrofia de Sudeck, Dr. Piñal, Francisco del Piñal, hand surgery, intramedullary screws, microcirugía reconstructiva, nerve injuries, reconstructive microsurgery, síndrome de dolor regional complejo, Sociedad Australiana de Cirugía de la Mano, Sudeck's atrophy, tornillos intramedulares, wrist surgery |
您可以阅读下面手动翻译成英文的翻译。 您还可以通过单击右上角的徽标访问原始西班牙语。 通过此链接,您可以使用简体中文访问自动翻译的Google版本: http://bit.ly/2F6rwtw
19 一月, 2021 | complex regional pain syndrome, compresión del nervio mediano, compresiones subclínicas, distrofia de Sudeck, Dr. Piñal, Francisco del Piñal, hand surgery, median nerve compression, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, síndrome de dolor regional complejo, subclinic compressions, Sudeck's atrophy, Sudeck's dystrophy, TVE, wrist surgery |
您可以阅读下面手动翻译成英文的翻译。 您还可以通过单击右上角的徽标访问原始西班牙语。 通过此链接,您可以使用简体中文访问自动翻译的Google版本: http://bit.ly/3nIHcEm
13 一月, 2021 | cirugía de mano, cirugía de muñeca, Dr. Piñal, Francisco del Piñal, glomus tumors, hand injuries, hand surgery, neuromas, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, unknown pain, volar plate contracture, wrist injuries, wrist surgery |
您可以阅读下面手动翻译成英文的翻译。 您还可以通过单击右上角的徽标访问原始西班牙语。 通过此链接,您可以使用简体中文访问自动翻译的Google版本: https://bit.ly/31Urcri
31 八月, 2020 | complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS, Dr. Piñal, Francisco del Piñal, hand surgery, reconstructive microsurgery, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Sudeck's atrophy, wrist arthroscopy, wrist surgery |