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Five worrying signs after treatment or operation on a wrist fracture

In several of our previous conversations, Dr Piñal has insisted that a normal wrist is the one we’re not even aware it’s there, so therefore new or persistent sensations can point to the false resolution of a previous pathology or trauma.

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Dr. Del Piñal at the 41st Argentine Congress of Hand Surgery as guest of honor

The Spanish surgeon gave several conferences and technical presentations during his stay at the Universidad Católica de Argentina

Skyline de Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires

Del Piñal, guest of honor of the 41st Argentine Congress of Hand Surgery

The Spanish surgeon will give several conferences and technical presentations during his stay in  Buenos Aires


Dr. Del Piñal: “If no hope is given to someone with a radius fracture, we are before lack of knowledge or just malpractice”

Las fracturas de radio o fracturas de Colles se producen de forma muy común, y –por desgracia- en demasiadas ocasiones son abordadas incorrectamente. De forma tradicional se han considerado lesiones de muñeca de buen pronóstico, lo que genera excesos de confianza que desembocan en diagnosis y tratamientos inadecuados.


Dr. Piñal: “Reflex sympathetic dystrophy does not exist, it is a ‘scam’, a catch-all in which to hide what goes beyond our knowledge”

Under the name of syndrome of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (for its acronym in English, RSD and CRPS * 1) a whole series of symptoms are grouped –