Captura de Pantalla 2022-07-28 a las 11.57.27

Accepted in the prestigious American journal ‘Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,’ Dr. Francisco Piñal’s findings on Sudeck’s syndrome (complex regional pain syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy)

The American journal will publish the progress achieved by the Cantabrian surgeon, Francisco Piñal, in the treatment of the so-called reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Sudeck’s disease,

Captura de Pantalla 2022-07-29 a las 10.10.15

Dr. Piñal chosen as a member of the executive committee of the World Society for Surgery of the Hand

The International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), which brings together all hand societies worldwide, has selected Spanish surgeon Francisco Piñal as a member of the executive committee of the World Society for Surgery of the Hand.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-06-13 a las 16.20.28

Professors Tonkin from Sydney and Dr. Francisco Piñal from Madrid were invited speakers to give lectures on advances in Microsurgery at the University of Montreal.

The prestigious doctors Piñal and Tonkin delivered online lectures on Microsurgery, focusing on advances in congenital hand treatment, thumb anomalies, and catastrophic hand issues.


Dr. Piñal: “Reflex sympathetic dystrophy does not exist, it is a ‘scam’, a catch-all in which to hide what goes beyond our knowledge”

Under the name of syndrome of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (for its acronym in English, RSD and CRPS * 1) a whole series of symptoms are grouped –