Mano espástica_01_20210630

Surgical improvement in case of spastic hand

The patient, Alan, 30 years old, suffers from spastic paralysis in his right hand, after a motorcycle accident in which he sustained a head injury with neurological damage.

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Testimonial: “I had neither mobility nor strength in the hands, now I put my tube, I eat, I shower and dress on my own and I can drive”

David, a young Cantabrian, 37 years old, with quadriplegia – C5 level injuries in the spinal cord – after a hit in the head trying to dive into: “I had neither mobility nor strength in my hands;

Transferencia tendinosa en paciente tetrapléjico_01_20171129

Paralysis and nerve injuries: Tendon transfer for recovery of mobility in both hands in a patient with quadriplegia

Nerve lesions in their most severe manifestations can lead to paralysis, such as quadriplegia at different levels. These and other situations with nervous affection are approached by Dr.

Aplastamiento mano lesión nerviosa y extrusión_03_20171108

Tendon transfer in case of nerve injury by hand crushing with muscle extrusion

Young male with a picture of nerve injuries from accidental hand crush, caught in a press and in a catastrophic situation. The limb has complete cuts at two levels in the wrist,